Monday, May 7, 2012


SO. Here's the deal.  Cait and I have been driving A LOT.

Our conversations have drifted from inspirational amazingly hilarious.


Our new series a "Vision For You" is comprised of heartfelt thoughts and visions for one reciprocated by the other. On this fine morning, we were driving to West Virginia, which would be a 9 hour drive...and were doing visions related to wealth and career, and spiritual growth.  Later versions include dating scenarios, marriage, family life, etc.

Caitlins Vision For Ashley in Wealth

Ashleys Vision For Caitlin in ETC

If you would like a video version of "A Vision For You" we are accepting requests. Please send your name, age, a short blurb about yourself, and what kind of vision you would like us to envision and we will get to visioning.


Stax & Sun. The Lumberjills,
 and yours truly Ash & Cait.

follow our 20 day tour!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Alabama Shakes........ a good band. :) WE ARE IN ALABAMA! The beach at Daulphin Island ended up an amazing place for complete and utter relaxation station supreme!

 We even had sand exfoliation in the sea! HA! We stopped in for delicious BBQ and Southern Gumbo

and headed sea'ed, sandy, and salty to the show...and it was super fun!

 We painted the town of Mobile in our hand bills and had a couple of GREAT town peeps in the crowd! Music was poppin..we had a couple sistas in need of some dance i think we worked out 2 or 3 different white girl rap numbers and they worked it out. literally. it was fabulous.

it was 12:15am..we wrapped up packed up and strapped in and made our way to our next destination: Birminham, AL.  Caitlin was in to pay a visit to her brother (and Cat Caits mom would be meeting her there) in which it was crucial we were there by 7am, so she was able to catch some shut eye, and we were on a huge driving crunch!

By 5:30 am we made it to our general destination- but we were in need of some serious sleep action..  so we finally found a campground...and Cait dropped me with a tarp, all my belongings and a tent that i was unable to assemble HAHA. it was so drop dead comical that I can't even go into more detail.. i will let the video and my voice give you full insight into the scenario.  it was pretty exciting after i was able to access my surroundings and realize i was in the most amazing jungle of the deep south.  apparently this campground is a retreat for peeps into bouldering, forrest exploring, horses, trails, and they have festivals and events there as well..anyway, i was finally awoken out of my delirious state by inspiration and wrote some music in a cave that looked out into the jungley abyss.  i did fall asleep for a second and woke up in some druel...   ?  expected..

Cat (Caits mom) took us out for BBQ later in the day which was FABULOUS..(ps indulge in southern food any time you get the chance) the turnip greens and BBQ chicken will blow your special needs diet juicin' granola days out of the water. ;)

We made it to our destination of the night (Mim's, a family friend) and finally crashed..a gooood lonnnng 14 hours in the "Jungle room" - a room for Mim's granddaughters...complete with Tigers, painted rivers and fan, oh my. HAHA..we were woken to a delicious spread of smoothies and breakfast items.  Thanks for the Southern Hospitality.  We're charged and ready for the road...doing laundry...enjoying the rain...catching up..getting organized.  Were half-way today! THANKS FOR TUNIN' IN! VIDEO COMING YOUR WAY!  playin' Moonlight on the Mountain tonight in Birmingham, 730!

LOVE US! //xo a

Friday, May 4, 2012


Hey there! Yes, Jill I and II are still here, alive and well reporting driver's side and beach bound. We had an insane amount of goings on in Nashville, fun, friends, trials and tribulations not discounted :) Day one we got to check out the downtown Hillsboro action, which is more of the college scene//locals hangout, and a good little strip of restaurants, cafes, and coffee shops nestled outside of music row and broadway.. We were welcomed by the legendary guitar player/best friend of mine (Nathan Crowson-Hello Dollface's first guitar player) and his most awesome equally musically talented other half Hannah and the house was never filled with anything but love and pure sonic genius. (they are both SAE recording school grads duh).. Day 2- was spent out and about in the streets Where we were able to discover the broader scope of the city and have a taste of the scene.. it was indefinitely inspiring and humbling for both of us in our own ways, as Nathan says "it brings a lot to the surface".. which we were able to fully embrace as a right of passage type of experience. This is afterall, music city. It sort of puts things into perspective.. good ways.. and real ways alike. We took a midnight trip to broadway and ran into some other fun musicians.. A sort of bluesy bluegrass trio out of Virginia, a couple homeless fun brothas and a whole other slough of characters that really defined the evening.. wow. Haha Day 3- we got the call for a featured documentary we were invited to participate in (which was an honor) covering artists and east Nashville- (Artists such as Amelia White.. Etc.) which has a more eclectic, alternative scene and neighborhood. We performed 3 songs and had a great experience.. It os featured by a blossoming online publication THE ALTERNATE ROOT- well post the video as soon as it becOmes available..! Exciting! ... later in the day we went to busk broadway again to make more $$$ and it turned out we had an alarming car interuption experience.. brakes replacement.. so long story turned great I soloed on broadway for a few hours.. made A few bones$ had a couple good homeless-men-bring-you-hope-and-encouragement-when-you-are-searching-for-feel-good-reasons-to-be-a-struggling-sweaty-musician-with-7-heavy-bags-of-musical-equipment-in-snakeskin-heel-booties- haha! after my traipsing around Nashville and somewhat reaffirming busk sesh, I walked in to margaritaville with ALL of my belongings and Jimmy (the house act) offered to let me sing a few, I had a marg, met back up with Cait and called it a day! WHEW! Day 4- east Nashville hangout// rehearsal// packed.. we will be back to play Music City Bar on the 10th and the Country Music Hall of Fame on 12th for Kate and Ryans Weddin! Tonight were playing a show down in Mobile AL.... So were now about 20 from the beach before we play! Pics soon!  Check our tour dates at And let your friends know! Yours truly eh?-stax