Sunday, April 8, 2012

stax here...postin' some "LumberJill Living" love!

ay. stax here.

sometimes LumberJills need to get organized, especially when going on tour.  i am leaving for the front range with Hello Dollface this weekend, albuquerque and Santa Fe for shows the following, then Stax and Sun is Southbound for 20 days! this is why stax♥ has decided to be so diligent and clean the box.   (box= stax's 12x12 studio behind her mothers house of course)

let me just say-
 leopard tights, sparkly bandeaus, and hangers oh my.

how 'bout some storage solutions? this box has absolutely zero storage so stax decides to makeshift and get clean. the box is actually a fully functional touring-friendly space. In the last year, little staxy graduated college and became a big girl... (NOT!haha). well..technically graduated, but still have a LOT of growing up to go.. i actually had 3 job to job transitions..leading to ultimate unemployment, car-lessness, moved 7 times, and got rid of the X(_namegoeshere). rather than keeping my title "unemployed" i transitioned to a full-time title "musician" and realized that there was a lot to these transitions and I was ultimately preparing myself for the touring lifestyle. This means= little possessions..   theres just.... many clothing items. :D

so here's some coverage: organization stations.
end result=
road-ready jill stax

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